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The Most Important Events of the World

The Most Important Events of the World

Part 10: Our Glorious Future: God Will Be with Man

Dora Beck


Part 10: Our Glorious Future: God Will Be with Man. Dora Beck. Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved Call of Hope. First edition. 1992. SPB 9050 ENG. English title: Our Bright Future: God Will Be Wiht Man! (Booklet 10). German title: Unsere herrliche Zukunft: Gott wird mit den Menschen wohnen! (Heft 10). Call of Hope. P.O.Box 10 08 27 70007 Stuttgart Germany .

Our Glorious Future: God Will Be with Man

Today we live in a tense age. Horrible news bombards us continually. We often hear reports of war, crime, sickness, and suffering, financial problems, and catastrophies.

And what about our families? Faithfulness and trust have become rare. Quarrelling and a lack of communication have destroyed the unity of many households. Love has grown cold.

Mankind has often listened to misleading promises and false prophets. Many go astray, following every new thought and teacher that comes along. We should not be surprised that God's anger will be let loose upon the world.

In the Gospel of Christ according to Matthew, chapter 24, Jesus' words describe life during the end of the world.

He said, Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming `I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.

A light will flash across the sky from East to West. Jesus will return unexpectedly, and everyone will see Him. He will come with the clouds in power and divine glory. Are you ready to meet Him? He will return without warning.

It may be that we are living like the people during Noah's time. They ignored Noah's warnings. And then the Great Flood came and swept them all away.

Be on guard! The end is near. Jesus is at the door, and soon you will be judged! God says in the Bible: Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other, left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and the other, left. In other parables, Jesus explained the nearness and significance of His second coming, so that we can be aware and well-prepared.

Jesus told a parable of ten virgins who went with oil-lamps to wait for a bridegroom. Five were wise, bringing extra oil in case they would run out. The other five, however, were foolish bringing only what was in their lamps. But the bridegroom delayed, and the virgins dozed off to sleep. At midnight, there was a shout that the bridegroom had arrived and that the virgins should go out to meet him. They prepared their lamps. Five of the virgins did not have enough oil. They pleaded with those that had come prepared: Give us some of your oil please! We don't have enough! The wise ones answered: But then there will not be enough for us! You better go to the dealer and buy some for yourselves. While they were away, the bridegroom came out and met those who were ready to meet him. The wise virgins went to the wedding, and the doors were closed.

Later, the group that had gone to get oil arrived at the wedding in a panic. They pleaded, Lord, open the door for us! But the bridgroom answered, Truly, I do not know you, so they were not allowed to enter. What will Jesus say to you when He returns?

The foolish virgins did not have oil for their lamps. Oil is a symbol for the Holy Spirit. If the Spirit of God is in us, we are truly His children. The Spirit of God in us cries out Abba!, that is, Father!The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirits that we are God's children (Romans 8:15,16).

The foolish girls knew what they should do to prepare for their task, but they did not do it. Jesus says: Not everyone who simply calls me `Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven; but only those who do the will of My heavenly Father. When the Day of Judgment comes, many will say to me `Lord, did we not prophecy in Your name, cast out devils in Your name, and in Your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them to their faces, `I never knew you; out of my sight - you and your wicked ways!'

Today, you can decide what your destiny will be.

If Jesus is the Lord of your life on earth, He will be your Lord for eternity. If you live on earth without Him, you will spend eternity in eternal punishment; you will be separated from God. Everyone is on his way to destruction. No one – not one single person – is doing what is perfectly good and right. Only Jesus, who died on the cross for your sins, out of love for you, can rescue you from landing in Hell.

Accept His salvation and become a witness for Him. He alone can guarantee that you will spend eternity with Him, the Lord of lords and King of kings, in everlasting happiness.

Jesus sits enthroned now at the right hand of the God the Father, surrounded by power and glory.

The Apostle John was selected by God to receive a special revelation. He saw Jesus' glory and authority. He heard the shouts of praise of countless multitudes from all nations:

Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb..

John saw all the angels, elders, and four living creatures gathered around the throne. These fell on their faces before the throne and worshipped, saying:

Amen! Blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honour, power, and might belong to our God forever and ever.

And they sang a new song:

You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by You blood out of every tribe and language and people and nation. and have made us kings and priests to our God and we shall rule on the earth.

Are you praising God and Jesus Christ now? Will you qualify to do it throughout eternity?

Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead, who now sits enthroned by God in heaven, has all dominion until God His Father makes His enemies fall before Him. Jesus will defeat all the powers of the darkness and force them to bow down before Him. Jesus will rule over those who love darkness more than light. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

All the dead will be raised, to stand before the throne of the Holy Judge.

God will judge every person. He, being all-knowing, will not ignore evil. He will not accept any excuse. All is known to Him. The books will be opened and we will be judged according to our deeds, as they have been recorded.

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him (Colossians 3:17). It will be terrible if we discover that most of our deeds were done out of personal interests!

But another book will be opened, the Book of life. All those who belong to Christ will have eternal life, for their names will have been recorded in this Book. All those whose names have not written in it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, a second death which represents eternal separation from God.

What has God prepared for those who truly love Him, to those whose names are written in the Book of Life? There is an eternal and indescribable glory awaiting them, free from war, terror, death, or suffering. God Himself will wipe away the tears from the eyes of His people.

For believers, He has prepared a dwelling place in the Holy City of God, far more beautiful than anyone can imagine. The light from this city is a reflection of God's majestic glory, radiating brightness and beauty like sparkling gems.

The foundation of the city wall is adorned with all kinds of precious jewels. The twelve gates are made from pearls, never to be closed, since there is no night.

God Himself will eternally dwell here with His people. He will stay with them and they with Him throughout all eternity; they will be his people. God the Father and Jesus the Lamb of God will be in the midst. There will be no need for a temple, or for the sun or moon to shine. The glory of the Godhead will illuminate it, and Jesus will be its lamp.

A river of living water, clear as crystal, will run through the middle of the city. The river flows from the thrown of God. Salvation, life, and all riches, flow to all His beloved people.

On both sides of the river is the Tree of Life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit every month. God gives abundantly to His people!

In the Kingdom of God, our lives will be free from sin, the devil, and death. The name of Christ the Lamb will be written on our foreheads. His nature and thoughts will dominate all aspects of life there.

The glory that will be given to us by God will enable us to serve Christ with all our heart, ability, and emotion. We shall worship Him with purity, joy, and freedom. We shall praise Him eternally for His grace through which we reached the goal. Our hearts will be overflowing with thanksgiving and gratitude for the grace that empowers us to live in unity and fellowship with God and Jesus Christ for eternity. Our Lord has given all these promises, saying, Yes, I am coming soon. The answer of His church should always be, Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!


Hopefully, this booklet has helped you be aware of and prepared for the Second Coming of the Lord. One of the most important questions you need to ask yourself is, "Where will you spend eternity?" Don't avoid the question. Be sure about your future.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this story. Below are some questions about it. When you have answered them, mail them to us.

  1. What were the signs of the first coming of Christ?

  2. How will Jesus come back?

  3. How can you be sure of your role in the glory to come?

  4. Who will be raised from the dead?

  5. Is your name written in the Book of Life?

  6. Are our good works alone able to save us?

  7. What will make you happy for eternity?

  8. What is the source of splendour and beauty in the heavenly world?

Do not forget to print your full name and address clearly on your answer sheet as well as on the envelope. Our address is:

Call of Hope,
P.O.Box 100827,