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Have You Heard the Story of My Life?
Title Have You Heard the Story of My Life?
Summary These booklets are biographies of 12 youth characters in the Bible. These booklets are written in a simple language, and are basically directed to the youth.
Title Summary
1- Cain and Abel Cain was the first child born into the world, and Abel was the second child. They were Adam and Eve’s sons. Both brought offerings to the Lord, and the Lord looked with favour on Abel and his offering, but not on Cain and his offering. So Cain was very angry and killed his brother in spite of God’s warning to him, and that was the first murder in this world. Read online
2- Esau and Jacob This is the story of the struggle between the twin boys of Isaac, Esau and Jacob. This struggle began after Esau surrendered his privilege of primogeniture (birthright) blessings to Jacob. Read online
3- Joseph This story reveals God’s faithfulness towards His obedient servant Joseph, who suffered a lot from his brothers and Potiphar’s wife in Egypt. Read online
4- Moses This is the biography of the prophet Moses, who spoke with God “face to face”. Read online
5- Samuel Samuel was born as an answer to one year of prayer to the Lord. His name means, “The Lord has answered our prayers.” Read online
6- David This booklet is about David, the psalmist, who became a great king after a lot of sufferings and persecutions. This is a testimony of God’s faithfulness towards those who fear him. Read online
7- Daniel This booklet tells us about Daniel and his three friends, who were taken as captives by king Nebuchadnezzar when he occupied their country. They remained faithful to the Lord and His laws and God saved them from inevitable death. Read online
8- The Young Shepherd We read in this booklet about Jesus’ birth as narrated by one of the shepherds, who saw the bright light and heard the amazing song of the angels on this unique occasion of Jesus’ birth. Read online
9- The Young Nazarene and Jesus in the Temple A young Nazarene describes in this booklet, how Jesus, as a youth, was different from other boys in His thinking and conduct. He also tells about what Jesus did during His first visit to the temple in Jerusalem, when He was twelve years old. Read online
10- Jairus’ Daughter This is the story of one of Jesus’ miracles, when He raised Jairus’ daughter from death. Read online
11- The Boy from Capernaum and the Feeding of the Multitude This is one of Jesus’ miracles, when He fed thousands of people by five loaves of bread and two fish; as narrated by a lad from Capernoum. This lad gave the loaves and the fish to Andrew, one of Jesus’ disciples, who gave them to Jesus to feed the multitude. Read online
12- Saul/ Paul Paul tells us in this booklet how he used to persecute, torture and imprison the Christians, before the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him on his journey to Damascus. After this event, Paul became Christ’s apostle and spread the Gospel to many nations: He even changed his name from Saul (his Jewish name, after the first king of Israel) to Paul his Roman name. Read online