Love Never Fails

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Title | Love Never Fails |
Author | Menes Abdul Noor |
First English Edition | 1994 |
Product № | SPB3765ENG |
Summary | This book is an exposition of 1 Corinthians: 13."The writer compares the contemporary situation of the church today and the 1st. century Corinthian church." Then he meditates on the virtues of love in an explicatory way, and divides this chapter into three sections: 1- The Importance of Love (verses 1-3) 2- The Attributes of Love (verses 4-7) 3- The perpetuity of Love (verses 8-13). "The great example of love is Christ, Who is Himself love incarnate. If you read the descriptions of love in this chapter and substitute "Christ" for the word "love", you will find the meaning clear and true." |
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